

由于新冠疫情的原因,2020年中国科大波士顿校友会科技峰会采用了线上分论坛系列讲座的形式。此前我们已经举办了两场论坛,分别是关于癌症免疫治疗和材料科学。迎接新的一年,中国科大波士顿校友会将于2021年1月16号美东时间晚8点到10点举行职业发展分论坛。本次职业发展论坛,我们将采取小组讨论会的形式。94级应用化学系校友美国耶鲁大学教授樊荣将主持本次讨论会。四位参与讨论的校友来自投资界和学术界,他们是:798校友BrightSphere Investment Group前董事长兼CEO杨光,815校友阿尔法公社创始人&CEO 许四清,90少校友MIT教授李巨,0602校友Rutgers大学助理教授师征。    



樊荣 | 9412

Dr. Rong Fan is Professor of Biomedical Engineering at Yale University. He received a B.S. in Applied Chemistry from University of Science and Technology of China, a Ph.D. in Chemistry from the University of California at Berkeley, and then completed postdoctoral training at California Institute of Technology, prior to joining the faculty of Yale University in 2010. His research interest is centered on developing single-cell and spatial omics technologies to interrogate functional cellular heterogeneity and intercellular signaling network in human health and disease (e.g., cancer and autoimmunity). He developed a microchip technology that, for the first time, permitted simultaneous measurement of 42 immune effector proteins in single cells, representing the highest multiplexing to date for a single-cell protein secretion assay. The commercialized chip called IsoCode and its automation system IsoLight have been widely adopted in >100 pharmaceutical companies or cancer centers around the world to perform cellular immune function monitoring. Recently, his laboratory developed a first-of-its-kind technology called DBiT-seq for high-spatial-resolution multi-omics atlas sequencing of tissue sections, which may enable a wide range of applications in biological and biomedical research. He co-founded IsoPlexis, Singleron Biotechnologies, and AtlasXomics. He served on the Scientific Advisory Broad of Bio-Techne (TECH). He is the recipient of a number of awards including the National Cancer Institute’s Howard Temin Career Transition Award, the NSF CAREER Award, and the Packard Fellowship for Science and Engineering. He was elected a Fellow of the American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE) and a senior member of the National Academy of Inventors (NAI).


杨光 | 798

Guang Yang, Ph.D. CFA is a chinese American investor and financier. Dr. Yang holds a B.S. from the University of Science and Technology of China, a Ph.D. in Neuroscience from Australian National University and an MBA from Harvard Business School.Formerly, He was the executive chairman & CEO of BrightSphere Investment Group (NYSE:BSIG), a NYSE listed asset management company with over $200 billion under management. Previously, he served as the President of HNA Capital US and oversaw HNA activities in North America, with significant EMEA coverage.Dr. Yang was the Founder and Chairman of Finergy Capital, a Beijing-based private equity fund, since October 2010. Dr. Yang previously spent 15 years as an Executive Vice President, Senior Portfolio Manager at Franklin Templeton Investments Global Equities. Dr. Yang has been active on various non-profit organizations including as board director of Atlantic Council.

许四清 | 815

Richard Xu is the founding partner and CEO at Alpha Startup Fund. Richard holds a bachelor degree from University of Science and Technology of China, and a master degree from the Chinese Academy of Sciences. As a serial entrepreneur, Richard brings to Alpha Startup Fund 20 year experience in IT, enterprise services and consumer services.  He led ChinaCache’s NASDAQ IPO as COO in 2000, after 4 years of startup career. Prior to that, Richard was General Manager for South China at Microsoft, General Manager for Data Business at China Net-com Co. Ltd. He was also CMO at eLong (LONG), one of the leading OTA players in China. Richard served as CMO at Qihu360 (QIHU) for two years, where he initiated the company’s early mobile initiatives and international alliances.  Prior to Alpha Startup Fund, Richard was venture partner at Sinovation Ventures(创新工场), and Managing Director at WI Harper Group, a San Francisco based cross-boarder early stage fund. Richard Xu received various honors in his career. Most recently he was named top 100 Chinese venture investors in 2020 by Forbs.

李巨 | 9019

Ju Li (USTC 9019) has held faculty positions at the Ohio State University, the University of Pennsylvania, and is presently a chaired professor at MIT. His group investigates the mechanical, electrochemical and transport behaviors of materials as well as novel means of energy storage and conversion. Ju is a recipient of the 2005 Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers, the 2006 Materials Research Society Outstanding Young Investigator Award, and the TR35 Award from Technological Review. Ju was elected Fellow of the American Physical Society in 2014, Fellow of the Materials Research Society in 2017, and a Fellow of AAAS in 2020.

师征 | 0602

Zheng Shi (USTC 0602) is currently an assistant professor in Chemistry and Chemical Biology at Rutgers University, New Brunswick. Zheng joined Rutgers in 2019, before that he was a postdoc fellow at Harvard University and did his PhD training at the University of Pennsylvania. His lab currently focuses on studying the mechanical properties of cell membranes and other biological assemblies by combining biophysical and biomolecular tools.








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