峰会时间:2022年11月5日 周六
峰会地点:One Kendall Square, 15 Hampshire St, Cambridge, MA 02139
王泽冠 (PB1302): zgwang@mit.edu
李广江 (SA14168): gli6@mit.edu
李巨(Professor, MIT)
陈鸥(Associate Professor, Brown University)
翁志萍(Professor, Chair of Program in Integrative Biology and Bioinformatics, UMass Medical School)
刘敏芝(Executive Director, Tigermed)
仲倞(CEO, HiFiBiO)
何江(Vizgen Co-founder, Forbes 30 Under 30)
苗建军(Professor, Boston University)
钱军(Ninth Eternity Securities CEO,Ninth Eternity Asset Management COO)
叶万瑜(President of Dolphin Capital)
李巨 (90少)
1994年毕业于中国科学技术大学少年班,2000年于MIT获博士学位,其后在MIT从事博士后研究,2002-2007年任俄亥俄州立大学助理教授,2007-2011年任宾夕法尼亚大学副教授,2011年被MIT核科学与工程系及材料科学与工程系联合聘为正教授。美国科学促进会会士(AAAS Fellow),美国材料研究学会会士(MRS Fellow),美国物理协会会士(APS Fellow)。曾获得美国青年科学家总统奖,TMS Hardy奖以及MRS杰出青年研究者奖等10余项奖励。致力于材料性质的多尺度计算研究,特别是在材料力学行为的原子模拟等方面获得了多项重要突破。他的研究工作为理解材料的塑性变形微观机制和揭示新材料现象的物理本质奠定了重要基础。李巨教授已发表超过500篇论文,H-index大于100。

陈鸥 (9903)
仲倞 (848)
本科毕业于中国科大生物系,于瑞士苏黎世大学获得分子生物学博士学位,在美国纽约斯隆凯特琳癌症中心完成博士后,师承诺贝尔奖获得者、前美国国立卫生研究院院长,前国立癌症研究院长Harold Varmus博士。仲倞博士拥有30多年的生物医药研究和药物研发经验,曾在赛诺菲和百时美施贵宝(BMS)担任高管,进行肿瘤、免疫以及病毒学领域项目决策管理。她曾带领团队发现了20个新药并进入临床试验阶段,其中成功上市新药4个,是多项免疫肿瘤抗体药物专利的共同发明人;建立了创新型生物标记筛选与病人分类转化医学研发平台;在国际权威学术期刊发表论文数十篇,并多次受邀作为世界性学术大会主持及主讲人。2017年创办高诚生物(HiFiBiO),此前她还是和铂医药的联合创始人。

翁志萍 (876)
Professor and Director, Program in Bioinformatics and Integrative Biology,
U Mass Medical School
Zhiping Weng received her B.S. in Electrical Engineering from University of Science and Technology of China in 1992 and Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering from Boston University in 1997. Dr. Weng is a full professor and Director of Program in Bioinformatics and Integrative Biology at University of Massachusetts Medical School. She develops and applies computational and statistical methods to study biological problems, e.g., gene regulation by transcriptional and post-transcriptional (small silencing RNA) mechanisms and protein-protein interaction. Dr. Weng is a key member of the ENCODE Consortium and leads its data analysis center. She is also a member of the data analysis center of the psychENCODE consortium. Her lab performs integrative analysis on the rich genomic, epigenomic, and transcriptomic data generated by the two consortia, aiming to decipher the human genome in health and disease.

何江 (0508)
Co-founder, Senior Director of Scientific Affairs, Vizgen
Jiang He received his B.S. from University of Science and Technology of China in 2009, and Ph.D. degree from Harvard under the supervison of Professor Xiaowei Zhuang in 2015. His work at Harvard focused on developing single molecule imaging techniques and applying them to study biological processes such as flu virus infection and neuronal development. As a postdoctoral fellow at MIT, Jiang works at the interface of cell biology, nanomedicine and infectious diseases, with a focus on liver diseases and early cancer detection. Jiang was the Commencement Speaker at Harvard University in 2016. He has been recognized in Forbes Magazine’s “30 under 30 in Healthcare” (Top 30 game-changers in the field under the age of 30). He is also a Spotlight Health Scholar at the Aspen Ideas Festival in 2017, and a STAT Wunderkind awardee. In addition to his academic efforts, Jiang has written a non-fictional book on rural China(released in August, 2017), to raise awareness of the living and health conditions of resource-limited regions in China. His story has been broadly profiled by many news outlets, including the Forbes, Boston Globe, Huffington Post, Harvard Crimson, Sixth Tone, Global Times, People’s Daily, China Daily, among others.

刘敏芝 (8211)
1987年毕业于中国科大计算机系,1996年获加州大学洛杉矶分校生物统计学博士。在制药行业26载,主要从事数据分析工作。前十年在Merck,后十几年在CRO。曾任Managing Director of Macrostat-Tigermed fully owned subsidiary。2014年加入泰格医药。

钱军 (8213)
Ninth Eternity Securities CEO,Ninth Eternity Asset Management COO
普林斯顿大学机械与航空航天工程专业博士。超过20年的投资经验,涵盖世界级金融机构的可转换和高收益交易、PE投资和跨境银行业务。花旗集团全球可转债和高收益投资组合经理,还曾在 Fortress、Citadel 和 Lehman Brother 担任经理总监高级职位。
叶万瑜 (0204)
President of Dolphin Capital

波士顿校友会是麻州政府注册的非营利性机构,名称是USTC Greater Boston Alumni Association Incorporated。校友会申请并获得了501(c)(3)的美国联邦免税资格。所以,您的捐赠都会享受免税的便利。您可选择以下方式为校友会提供资金支持(我们将提供收据以便您在报税时使用):
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USTC Greater Boston Alumni Association I bostonustc@gmail.com
USTC Greater Boston Alumni Association bostonustc@gmail.com
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