
演讲主题:Technology Innovation Drives Financial Services Evolution

王金化 (844) 量子金融投资公司董事长兼总裁,前花旗银行VP,前全球最大对冲基金之一的爱趋比凯投资公司担任基金经理
演讲主题:How to Become a Successful Quant on Wall Street and Quantum Economics: Why 80% Economic Models in Mankiw’s and Samuelson’s Textbooks Are Wrong


时间:2016212日本周五 6:30 p.m-8:30 p.m (提供晚餐)

地点:MIT Tang Center Buling E51, Room 151 (地铁红线 MIT/Kendall Square站旁)


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PhD in Physics, George Washington University ; MBA, Cornell University

1996: Joined Fleet Financial Group as Vice President (later Senior Vice President) in charge of the consumer finance decision science department, overseeing risk and customer analytics.

2005: As Regional Credit Officer for AIG’s Asian consumer finance business, oversaw risk management for eight AIG subsidiaries in the Asia-Pacific region.

2008: Became Chief Credit Officer for JPMorgan Chase’s China Card Project, a credit card joint venture with a leading Chinese bank.

2012: Joined CreditEase, the largest P2P company in China, as Head of Credit Management, overseeing risk and credit operations of various business lines.


Quark Finance is a leading consumer finance company based in Shanghai, China. It uses world-class credit management technology to provide loans to consumers and entrepreneurs.

Quark was founded in April 2014 by seasoned professionals with experience in retail banking, risk management, and financial services. Senior management previously directed regional risk management and sales for multinational financial institutions such as AIG, Citibank, and JPMorgan Chase.

Quark addresses the rapidly growing consumer finance market that commercial banks have difficulty covering due to Chinese regulatory restraints and banking practices. Every year, tens of trillions of RMB are lent person-to-person or through underground money shops.

From May to December 2014, Quark Finance facilitated the issuance of RMB 740 million in consumer loans, achieving a 67% monthly CAGR. In the year 2015, the number of newly issued loans achieved RMB 4 billion, increased 5 times over the year. Quark Finance aims to become China’s pre-eminent web-based platform for personal financial services with professional risk management, direct sales, and cutting-edge technology. 

王金化 (844) 量子金融投资公司董事长兼总裁






著有《人类社会遵守的物理学定律》 一书,2005年出版,详细地讲述了量子社会科学的原理和应用。通俗易懂版《量子经济学:为什么80%曼昆或萨缪尔森教科书中的经济模型是错误的》还没出版。

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