波士顿是中国科技大学海外校友最集中的三大城市之一。数千名中国科大校友曾在波士顿学习,工作和生活。波士顿也因此成为勤奋的中国科大人书写野心、挥洒才华的乐土。四十年来,中国科大校友活跃于波士顿的医药,金融、IT等高科技产业界。中国科学技术大学波士顿校友会即将在波士顿陆续推出校友行业沙龙聚会,网聚科大精英!2015年8月22日,波士顿科大校友会将举办首次医药行业的校友沙龙聚会。我们邀请到了波士顿医药界三位资深校友陈寅(808),金晓玮(843) 和李劲波(863)为我们做嘉宾演讲,纵论中美医药行业发展的机遇和挑战并分享作为科大校友在医药行业发展的心得体会。欢迎中国科大校友参加,一同欢聚在查尔斯河河畔!
时间: 2015年8月22日14:00-16:00
地点:220 Longwood Ave, Boston, MA。 教室 Goldenson 122, Harvard Medical School(周围停车较不便, 可乘坐绿线E, Longwood站下车), 找不到教室或者进入不了大门,请联系(0219)白莎 电话:3025626516.
活动注册: http://goo.gl/forms/zpc57lpL8K
陈寅(808)Director of Business Development at Accelagen, Founder/President/CEO at MTT Pharmaceuticals
金晓玮(843)Director,Biology at Hua Medicine
李劲波 (863) Chief Scientific Officer at Scilligence Corp
1. 请注册确认参加活动: http://goo.gl/forms/zpc57lpL8K
2. 为保证会场秩序, 请提前10分钟入场。请大家不要迟到。
3. 我们也同时欢迎对本次沙龙活动感兴趣的非科大校友参加。
4. 特殊情况请联系(0219) 白莎:3025626516
Dr. Yin Chen is a biotech entrepreneur with over 15 experiences in the industry. After serving as Chief Scientific Officer in a biotech company for 9 years, he co-foundered and became President/CEO of MTT Pharmaceuticals in 2008. Dr. Chen is currently consulting for several US and international pharmaceutical companies for product marketing, business development and fund raising.
Dr. Chen received his Bachelor of Science degree from University of Science & Technology China, Master of Science degree from Shanghai Institute of Biochemistry and Ph.D degree from University of Maine. He subsequently completed his postdoc training at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center/Harvard Medical School. In 2013, Dr. Chen earned his EMBA from Jack Welch Management Institute.
Dr. Xiaowei Jin has over 12 years’ experience in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industry. She was formerly Vice President of Discovery Biology at Medicilon. She worked in the areas of CNS disorders, inflammation, metabolic and cardiovascular diseases. Prior to returning to China from the US, she was Team Leader for the Neurodegenerative Disease Focus Area of CombinatoRx (now Zalicus). Prior to this, Dr. Jin was a research scientist in the Pharmacology Department at Biogen (now Biogen Idec), focusing on small molecules against Parkinson Disease.
Dr. Jin received her PhD in Biochemistry and Pharmacology from the University of Virginia and completed her postdoctoral training at Harvard Medical School. She obtained her BS from the University of Science & Technology of China with highest honors. Dr. Jin is the author of more than 20 publications in journals such as Cell, Neuron, Nature Biotech., JCI, Molecular Pharmacology, and has several national and international patents.
Co-founder and CSO, Scilligence Corporation
Dr. Jinbo Lee is the co-founder and Chief Scientific Officer of Scilligence Corporation. He has extensive experience in drug discovery and development in both pharmaceutical and biotech companies with senior leadership positions. Most recently as the Head of Chemistry at Ensemble Therapeutics, he was responsible for molecule modeling/cheminformatics, medicinal chemistry, process chemistry, and analytical chemistry. Prior to Ensemble Therapeutics, Dr. Lee led multi-discipline teams at Wyeth Pharmaceuticals. He has also worked at Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals in the areas of medicinal chemistry, combinatorial chemistry and parallel synthesis. Dr. Lee has in-depth knowledge in multiple diseases areas including oncology, metabolic diseases, neurodegenerative diseases, infectious diseases, and inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. He is an expert in research informatics, medicinal chemistry, structure-based drug design and prodrug design. Dr. Lee received his Ph.D. degree in Organic Chemistry from Princeton University. He was the year 1997 recipient of Roche Award for Excellence in Organic Chemistry. Dr. Lee has many publications in prestigious scientific journals and holds a number of patent/patent applications. He has been an invited speaker in numerous drug discovery and scientific conferences.